Community Plan Updates

Colorado municipalities with a population of more than 2,000 residents are required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan. Colorado counties with a population of more than 10,000 residents that have experienced a population increase of 10% or greater over a five year period are required to prepare and adopt a master plan. 

The recently adopted SB 24-174 by the Colorado State Legislature modifies the requirements of both county and municipal master plans so that those master plans must include:

-A narrative description of the procedure used for the development and adoption of the master plan;
-No later than December 31, 2026, a water supply element; and
-No later than December 31, 2026, a strategic growth element.
The water supply element in a county or municipal master plan must identify the general location and extent of an adequate and suitable supply of water, identify supplies and facilities sufficient to meet the needs of local infrastructure, and include water conservation policies.
The strategic growth element in a master plan must include:
-A description of existing and potential policies and tools to promote strategic growth and prevent sprawl;
-An analysis of vacant and underutilized sites and the use of those sites for the development of housing; and
-An analysis of underdeveloped sites that are not adjacent to developed land for the use of those sites for residential use.

Plan Tools teams have prepared new or updated comprehensive plans for over a dozen Colorado communities. To view an example, please click here.


Comprehensive Planning

Community Plan Updates
Specific Area Plans

Development Regulation

Unified Development Codes
Sign Code Updates

Special Studies

Housing Strategies
Zoning Map Updates